Monash University

Following a consumer driven health priority from policy to practice: Including patients in decisions about their care

posted on 2023-01-20, 06:55 authored by ALEXANDRA LOUISE WADDELL
Shared Decision Making (SDM) is an interactive process through which patients and clinicians come to a decision regarding the patient’s treatment. SDM is said to improve health outcomes and healthcare utilisation. Given the benefits of SDM health services are required to implement SDM. This PhD explored the barriers and facilitators to SDM from the perspective of multiple stakeholders from policy to practice and co-designed theory-informed interventions to address these using behavioural science. Findings provide a framework through which health services can meet their policy requirements while upholding the right of patients to be included in decisions about their care.


Principal supervisor

Peter Bragge

Additional supervisor 1

Gerri Spassova

Year of Award


Additional Institution or Organisation

Safer Care Victoria


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type


Department, School or Centre

Monash Sustainable Development Institute


Monash Sustainability Institute