Monash University

Family Language Policy of Cross-Cultural Families in Australia and South Korea

posted on 2024-04-03, 08:36 authored by SOYEON KIM
The study delves into Family Language Policy (FLP) within cross-cultural families with Korean and English L1 parents and their children in Australia and South Korea, a novel focus. Investigating language practices, it explores the interplay of internal and external factors on these families. With a mixed-methods approach, the research gathered 182 survey responses and conducted 50 interviews in both countries. Analysing data through the Interdisciplinary Framework of FLP, the study reveals that, regardless of their chosen FLP, Korean-English families in Australia and Korea prioritise English in communication, influenced significantly by English's societal status, irrespective of the country of residence. This study has contributed meaningfully to the field of FLP by shedding light on the complex experiences of cross-cultural families residing in two different countries.


Principal supervisor

Lucien Brown

Additional supervisor 1

Daniel Pieper

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Language, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type


Campus location



Faculty of Arts