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Factors that influence pre-hospital and hospital care, and patient outcomes following acute stroke

posted on 2023-02-05, 21:59 authored by AMMINADAB LEMMY ELIAKUNDU
In this PhD program, I investigated factors that influence pre-hospital care for patients with suspected stroke, and described associations with hospital care and patient outcomes. My thesis comprises three published papers and two research chapters. I have described the first Australian data linkage study of ambulance and national stroke registry data. Specifically, I identified gaps in pre-hospital (i.e. call-taker and paramedic recognition of stroke) and hospital management processes related to acute stroke. My research contributes to addressing factors that impede access to evidence-based acute stroke care and has provided a stronger evidence-base to inform clinical practice and policy in stroke.


Principal supervisor

Dominique Cadilhac

Additional supervisor 1

Monique Kilkenny

Additional supervisor 2

Joosup Kim

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Clinical Sciences at Monash Health

Additional Institution or Organisation


Campus location



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences