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Estimation of Synchronous and Non-Synchronous Inertia in Renewable Energy Dominated Systems

posted on 2023-03-16, 01:03 authored by PHURAILATPAM CHITARANJAN SHARMA

The thesis addresses some of the issues in the accurate estimation of synchronous and non-synchronous inertia in a renewable energy dominated system. Firstly, accurate estimation of synchronous inertia in a microgrid system with a large share of renewable energy sources is carried out. The work is followed by estimation of non-synchronous inertia in a microgrid system. The next part of the research work classifies the aggregate virtual inertia response from various sources in a system. The last and final research work presented in this thesis deals with estimating both synchronous and non-synchronous inertia in a large power system.


Campus location


Additional supervisor 1

Zakir Hussain Rather

Additional supervisor 2

Suryanarayana Doolla

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering

Additional Institution or Organisation

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


Doctor of Philosophy (IITB-Monash)

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering