Monash University

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Emerging Issues in Infectious Disease Ethics

posted on 2020-07-22, 21:20 authored by EUZEBIUSZ FITZGERALD JAMROZIK
This thesis analyses emerging issues in public health ethics and research ethics, with a focus on drug-resistant infections, vector-borne diseases, and vaccine-preventable diseases. Certain common topics include questions regarding (i) the appropriate responses to persistent inequities in the global burden of infectious diseases, (ii) the public health practice and policy implications of asymptomatic infection, (iii) individual moral responsibility for the risks of disease transmission, (iv) the conditions under which intended or foreseeable infection of others would be ethically justifiable, and (v) the need for careful assessment of benefits and burdens in both research and public health practice.


Principal supervisor

Michael John Selgelid

Additional supervisor 1

Justin Oakley

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Philosophical, Historical & International Studies


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type


Campus location



Faculty of Arts