Monash University

Direct Numerical Simulation, Study, and Quantification of Fractal-Grid Generated Turbulent Flows

posted on 2022-01-05, 10:25 authored by CHIN VERN YEOH
Computer modelling of some types of fluid flows can be difficult because the algorithms used in these cases need vast amounts of processing power to calculate timely and accurate results. This thesis develops an alternative algorithm that uses a particle-based approach to model the problem, allowing it to sidestep the difficulties encountered by conventional techniques. When it is applied to a class of flows with highly complex and chaotic behaviour, the algorithm successfully and accurately reproduces data close to actual real-life values. Furthermore, this was achieved while running the algorithm on a standard desktop PC, whereas previous traditional models required a supercomputer architecture to obtain the same results.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Foo Ji Jinn

Additional supervisor 1

Ooi Ean Hin

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Engineering (Monash University Malaysia)


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering