Monash University

Development and differentiation of hyperstable consensus monobodies based on the type 3 fibronectin domain

posted on 2021-07-26, 06:50 authored by PETER GEOFFREY CHANDLER
Monobodies based on the type 3 fibronectin (FN3) domain are designed to overcome limitations of the antibody binding scaffold, being more simple and more amenable to the rigours of drug development. This thesis focuses on the development of FN3Con, a hyperstable consensus FN3 monobody. Through grafting of binding loops from monobodies of median stability, this work produced two FN3Con constructs with affinity to clinical targets and a shelf life of over 2 years at room temperature. The thesis then investigates methods to meaningfully differentiate monobodies from the antibody scaffold through buffer excipients, chemical conjugation and integration of native fibronectin characteristics.


Principal supervisor

Ashley Buckle

Additional supervisor 1

Sheena McGowan

Additional supervisor 2

Remy Robert

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Biomedical Sciences (Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute)

Additional Institution or Organisation

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Campus location



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences