Costs and benefits of quality certification in two software development organisations
Version 2 2018-05-28, 22:17Version 2 2018-05-28, 22:17
Version 1 2018-05-28, 05:55Version 1 2018-05-28, 05:55
posted on 2018-05-28, 22:17authored byMegan Elizabeth Baker
This thesis is asn examination of software quality certification within two software development organisations in Melbourne, Australia. Its purpose was to determine the benefits and costs or negative outcomes experiences by each organisation as a result of the certification process. The study involved a literature review and a pilot study to establish a framework of key concepts. Concepts included under benefits were software quality, management of the software development process, communication and satisfaction, the role of certification and business outcomes. Key concepts relating to costs and negative outcomes included the start-up investment, on-going costs, use of procedures and outcomes of audits. [...]
Campus location
Principal supervisor
Anne C. Rouse
Year of Award
Department, School or Centre
Information Systems
Master of Computing, Department of Information Systems