posted on 2017-03-03, 01:23authored byJaleel, Ahsan Ahmed
The H(R)-algebra of a space is defined as the algebraic object consisting of the
graded cohomology groups of the space with coefficients in a general ring R, together
with all primary cohomology operations on these groups, subject to the
relations between the operations.This structure can be encoded as a functor from
the category H(R) containing products of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces over R to
the category of pointed sets.
The free H(R)-algebras are the H(R)-algebras of a product of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces.
In this thesis we show how to construct free simplicial resolutions of
H(R)-algebras using the free and underlying functors.
Given a space X, we also construct a cosimplicial space such that the cohomology
of this cosimplicial space is a free simplicial resolution of the H(R)-algebra of X.
For R = Fp, the finite field on p elements, this cosimplicial resolution fits the E2
page of a spectral sequence and give convergence results under certain finiteness
restrictions on X. For R = Z, the integers, a similar result is not obtained and
the reasons for this are given.
Campus location
Principal supervisor
Andrew Percy
Year of Award
Department, School or Centre
School of Applied Sciences and Engineering (Gippsland)