Monash University

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Charging dynamics in graphene-based nanoporous supercapacitor electrodes

posted on 2019-07-16, 16:20 authored by KE ZHANG
Recent research has shown that small pore size and large thickness are critical requirements for high energy density supercapacitors. However, the effect of such changes are very interdependent and even conflicting. It is critical to understand how these electrode structural parameters affect the performance of supercapacitors and their charging dynamics. This thesis involves the investigation of multilayered graphene membranes (MGMs) as a unique physical model system to allow interpretation of the electrode parameters. It examines the effect of property variation on charging dynamics using a combination of experiments and modeling.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

George Philip Simon

Additional supervisor 1

Dan Li

Additional supervisor 2

Zhe Liu

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Materials Science and Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering