Monash University

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Challenges and factors influencing entrepreneurial firm performance among Middle Eastern immigrants in Australia

posted on 2021-12-09, 00:14 authored by FARZANEH FALLAHI
This study investigates the challenges that Middle Eastern immigrant entrepreneurs in Australia in sustaining their firms’ performance. It also identifies the factors at play in how they respond to challenges such as perceived discrimination. It focuses on the role of social and psychological capital and how this is impacted through acculturation within the Australian community. It finds that the higher that acculturation, the stronger is the entrepreneurs’ psychological capital and therefore the greater the resources on which they can draw in business. This innovative, empirical study underpins calls to further develop and leverage that psychological capital.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Ramanie Samaratunge

Additional supervisor 1

Julie Wolfram Cox

Additional supervisor 2

Daniel Prajogo

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Business and Economics