Monash University

Biologically Inspired Strategy for Searching a Moving Target in Intelligent Embodied Robots

posted on 2022-03-25, 04:44 authored by JULIAN KOK PING TAN
Despite the potential of bio-inspired strategies, adopting them into robots cannot be accomplished properly without considering the physical embodiment and interaction with the environment, known as the concept of embodied intelligence. This thesis proposes a bio-inspired unifying framework for searching for a moving target in intelligent embodied robots. Based on the framework, a strategy that can effectively search for a moving target with and without gradient information in a minimalistic robot will be presented. Furthermore, the best strategy for searching a moving target in an aerial drone as an example of a complex intelligent embodied robot will also be presented.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Surya Girinatha Nurzaman

Additional supervisor 1

Tan Chee Pin

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Engineering (Monash University Malaysia)


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering