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Bio-nano studies of organosilica and immune cells in vitro and in vivo

posted on 2024-02-03, 23:36 authored by EDWARD CHARLES HENDERSON
Nanoparticle-based nanomedicines have seen an increase in their clinical presence in the modern era, however much of the knowledge underpinning the mechanisms and interactions of these materials in biological environments is still in development. In this thesis, organosilica nanoparticles were synthesised and functionalised to investigate their bio-nano interactions with in vitro immune cell cultures as well as in a syngeneic ovarian cancer murine model


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Simon Corrie

Additional supervisor 1

Magdalena Plebanski

Additional supervisor 2

Kirsty Wilson

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Chemical & Biological Engineering

Additional Institution or Organisation

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering