system identification methodologies of aerial vehicles can be developed by
experimental analysis, computational fluid dynamics analysis or heuristic
analysis. However, these methodologies require accurate estimation or
experimental tuning process before implementing to the autonomous control
methodologies. This research was undertaken to develop autonomous system
identification control methodologies suitable for a broad range of small-scale
aerial vehicles that do not require any prior knowledge of the aerial vehicle.
In order to develop the proposed autonomous system identification
control methodologies for aerial vehicles, the first part of the thesis
describes the sensing equipment, which collects all the crucial information,
and the experimental platform. This research utilised low cost equipment for
the small-scale aerial vehicles. Although the low cost equipment suffers from
bias error drift, it has the advantage of reduced weight and ideal for the
small-scale aerial vehicles.
The measurements from the sensing equipment cannot determine
the required information by numerical integration because the low cost sensing
equipment suffers from the bias error drift which mentioned above. The second
part of this thesis presents the sensor fusion algorithms to overcome the bias
error drift. The accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers were integrated
to estimate the attitude of the aerial vehicle. The global positioning system,
accelerometers and gyroscopes are integrated to determine the position and
velocity of the aerial vehicle.
The traditional autonomous control methodologies require the
determination of aerodynamic derivatives of the aerial vehicle. Wind tunnel
testing and computational fluid dynamics determination are commonly utilised to
estimate the aerodynamics derivatives. However, these methods require accurate
knowledge of the aerial vehicle prior to the autonomous flight. This thesis
characterises the performance of system identification methodologies based on
the flight history of the aerial vehicle.
The system identification results are further analysed and
utilised to develop the autonomous control methodologies. However, the system
identification results involve uncertainties. The robustness of the control
methodologies is characterised in this research.
Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control method, optimal control method
and sliding mode control method are computationally and experimentally
investigated. The performance of these control methodologies is studied and
presented by the results of the system identification methodologies. The computational
and experimental results showed that the sliding mode control and optimal
control methodologies were improved from PID control methodology.