Monash University

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Assessing the scope for genetic rescue of Leadbeater's possum

posted on 2021-08-24, 08:46 authored by JOSEPH PAUL ZILKO
This thesis uses genetic analyses to determine the feasibility of mixing gene pools from different populations to prevent extinction of the last remaining lowland swamp forest population of Leadbeater's possum. The findings indicate that the lowland population at Yellingbo requires mixing with other populations to avoid extinction, and this gene pool mixing is unlikely to cause genetic problems. The findings also indicate the best populations for mixing with Yellingbo, how many new individuals are needed to rescue the population, and that the lowland population has unique genetic variants that can be preserved when mixing gene pools.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Paul Sunnucks

Additional supervisor 1

Alexandra Pavlova

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Biological Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Science