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An exploration of the nature and meaning of informal communities in cancer treatment

posted on 2022-02-16, 22:56 authored by MATTHEW PAUL GRANT
In hospital settings patients, visitors and staff take part in many interactions outside the formal clinical consultation. These encounters can be inconsequential or may be of significant importance to the way in which patients and their caregivers experience cancer and its treatment and staff engage in care provision. There is evidence that these ‘informal interactions’ in cancer treatment settings are patterned social processes. This study proposes that these interactions exist as social systems within hospital settings. This thesis aims to study their content, outcomes and functioning as social systems.


Principal supervisor

Paul Komesaroff

Additional supervisor 1

Jennifer Philip

Additional supervisor 2

Luc Deliens

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Primary and Allied Health Care

Additional Institution or Organisation

Department of Palliative Medicine, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Campus location



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences