Illumination designed for human wellbeing aside from purely visual performance has been gaining traction in lighting research. However, commercialized tunable luminaires typically have a limited range of photobiologically-effective light. This research investigates the impacts of corneal melanopic illuminance on physiological measures and psychological performances. A novel design framework based on spectral shaping is proposed, leading to a minimalistic design of a multi-channel LED-based circadian-tunable luminaire. The framework optimizes between circadian tuning capability, visual quality and design practicality. A luminaire prototype using the proposed design is validated for its tuning range and therefore its suitability for use in circadian lighting.
Campus location
Principal supervisor
Vineetha Kalavally
Additional supervisor 1
Tan Chee Pin
Additional supervisor 2
Andrew Phillips
Additional supervisor 3
Sean Cain
Year of Award
Department, School or Centre
School of Engineering (Monash University Malaysia)