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Advanced Electrochemical Techniques for Investigating Electron Transfer Kinetics
posted on 2017-06-14, 05:22authored bySze-yin Tan
interfacial electron transfer processes are of fundamental and applied
importance to electrochemists and are extensively studied by a wide range of
electrochemical techniques. This thesis focuses on the development of analysis
strategies and electrochemical methodologies for more detailed quantitative
investigations of electron transfer kinetics at a plethora of electrode
materials, with an emphasis on carbon-based materials. Of interest are the
techniques of Fourier-transformed large amplitude alternating current
voltammetry (FTACV) and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM).
The complementary electrochemical techniques of FTACV and
SECM are used for measurements of fast electron transfer to reveal the impact
of the complex heterogeneous surface of degenerately-doped polycrystalline
boron-doped diamond electrode surfaces compared to conventional electrode
materials such as platinum and gold. This part of the work highlights the
importance of understanding the influence of measurement technique and further
demonstrates how electron transfer at semi-metallic electrodes differ from
conventional metallic electrodes.
The oxidation of a ferrocene-derivative at highly oriented
pyrolytic graphite is used to demonstrate the effects of reversible reactant
adsorption on the SECM response. The high surface area-to-solution volume ratio
of nanogap SECM measurements depicts the importance of understanding the impact
of such surface effects. Precise quantitative kinetic analysis requires
understanding of the mass transport between the SECM probe and electrode
surface. Finite element method modelling was used to extensively investigate
the effects of electrode reactant processes and the results of the models shed
light on important factors that need to be accounted for in quantitative
analysis of nanogap voltammetric measurements.
FTACV is further developed as a tool for kinetic selectivity
at heterogeneous electrode surfaces. This is achieved by taking advantage of
the harmonic-dependent measurement timescale of FTACV to deconvolute a
dual-heterogeneity electrochemical response into its individual components.
Protocols are developed for this application and demonstrated experimentally
using the ruthenium hexamine and ferrocene methanol redox couples.