Monash University

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A study of Young Victorian Muslims’ Lived Experiences, Identities and Counternarratives

posted on 2021-08-20, 01:19 authored by ANTONIETTA ANGELA SANFILIPPO
This study used a conceptual framework based on critical race theory (CRT), identity theory and social capital, to investigate the lived experiences, identities and counter-narratives of six young Muslims (aged 16 to 21 years) in Victoria, Australia. The account of a Muslim community leader was included to give some further depth to the analysis. A phenomenological interpretative analysis of the interview data produced nine themes. All participants had attended an Islamic school, and thus some analysis is provided about the ways their schooling influenced their identities. Counter-narratives drawn from participants’ stories were examined in juxtaposition to majoritarian narratives of Muslims.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Corine Marie Patricia Rivalland

Additional supervisor 1

Joseph Agbenyega

Additional supervisor 2

Hilary Monk

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Education