Monash University

A Multi-Perspective Approach to Translation Practice and Translation Pedagogy: Professional Translators, Trainers and Students — Data from language services sectors and university translator training programs in Australia and Vietnam

posted on 2019-01-30, 23:01 authored by THU THI QUY DO
This empirical research aims to assess the degree to which translation students are equipped with professional skills in their training programs to meet professional translation requirements. The study provides evidence of pedagogical practices and their alignment with the real life contexts of professional practice. The findings reveal the participating translators’ beliefs that translator training needs to consider both international and local work requirements to equip graduates for the globalised market. The analysis provides insights into the extent to which translation programs are aligned with the professional requirements of the Asia Pacific region market and, by extension, the global market.


Principal supervisor

Jim Hlavac

Additional supervisor 1

Nadine Normand Marconnet

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Language, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type


Campus location



Faculty of Arts