Monash University

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A Cross-National Examination of Workplace Bullying: Prevalence, Impact and Prevention

posted on 2017-11-02, 03:24 authored by SAIMA AHMAD
This thesis presents a comparative study of workplace bullying in Australia and Pakistan to advance knowledge on sources of cross-cultural convergence and divergence for managing this issue in international contexts. To achieve this goal, views of 636 cross-national participants from equivalent work settings were analysed, and a culturally nuanced account of workplace bullying extracted. This thesis shows that, despite workplace bullying’s constant meaning across cultures, there are stark differences in employee perceptions, exposure and tolerance towards it. The thesis has identified cultural conditions under which the undesirable implications of workplace bullying may be mitigated in collectivist and high-power-distance societies.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Amrik Singh Sohal

Additional supervisor 1

Julie Wolfram Cox

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Business and Economics