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ASCERTAINING THE LEVELS OF INTERPERSONAL UNDERSTANDING OF POTENTIAL AND PRACTICING DOCTORS: A two-part, mixed methods study that investigates the validity of a current Australian approach to ascertaining interpersonal understanding as a criterion for admissions to medical courses
posted on 2017-12-04, 22:26authored byJUDITH MARY O'HALLORAN
Students wishing to gain entrance to medical courses in Australia and New Zealand have been required to sit the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT). This research project used a mixed methods approach to ascertain and verify the validity of Section 2 of the UMAT: ‘Understanding People’, which is designed to be an objective measure of candidates' ability to understand and reason about people.
The project investigated the content, construct, concurrent and political validity of Section 2 UMAT. Interpersonal understanding (communication, compassion and emotional intelligence) was confirmed as an important consideration in both medical selection tests and medical practice.