Monash University

SAM-Melt_EA - R Code used in Saunderson et al. (2023; GRL Submission)

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posted on 2023-10-19, 06:18 authored by Dominic SaundersonDominic Saunderson


The notebooks in this repository contain R code that has been used to investigate the influence of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) on surface melt in East Antarctica.

This work has been undertaken as part of my PhD with the Monash Ice Sheet Initiative and SAEF at Monash University, where I am supervised by Prof. Andrew Mackintosh, Dr. Felicity McCormack, and Dr. Richard Jones. An accompanying manuscript has been submitted to the Geophysical Research Letters journal.

Code & Instructions

This project uses the R programming language and was written using RStudio, on both Windows 10 and MacOS 12.6.3. It uses the renv package to help with portability / replicability.

The code here can also be found on GitHub in the SAM-Melt_EA repository, and is tagged as version v4.0. See the file there for more information about the project and the repository set-up, plus where to download the necessary raw data. In particular, it is necessary to download the RACMO2.3p3 data, provided by co-author Christiaan van Dalum, and available online at:

Note: In addition to standard R packages from CRAN, it will be necessary to install 5 packages from my GitHub page. These packages (and the version used in this project) are:

  • polarcm (v0.1.3) eases use of output from the polar regional climate models RACMO and MAR
  • terrapin (v0.1.1) spinoff from terra that eases handling dates of spatial data
  • figuR (v0.1.2) for easily customisable figures
  • kulaR (v0.1.5) a wrapper around khroma to ease colour management in plots
  • domR (v0.1.5) functions for easing how I approach a project with R
