Understanding, identifying & resisting aqua nullius. Milestone report IP1.02.02 Water sensitiveand liveable communities: Indigenous only aqua nullius workshops 2023
This report represents Milestone 6, and is an output, of IP1.02.02, Water sensitive and liveable communities, in the National Environmental Science Program’s (NESP) Sustainable Communities and Waste (SCaW) Hub. It provides an account of the Indigenous-only aqua nullius workshops run through research stream two, the Indigenous-led water program.
The objective of these workshops were to provide First Nations water practitioners a detailed conceptual and operational understanding of aqua nullius and the opportunity to contrast this with Indigenous water science and governance, allowing Indigenous water practitioners to effectively challenge aqua nullius. The outcomes at a high level have been the create a cohort of Indigenous practitioners able to articulate, identify and resist the impact of aqua nullius on their work, while enhancing their capacity to share this knowledge within their communities.