Monash University

Investigating Adolescent Family Violence in Victoria: Understanding Experiences and Practitioner Perspectives

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Version 2 2018-10-26, 02:39
Version 1 2018-09-26, 05:23
posted on 2018-10-26, 02:39 authored by Kate Fitz-GibbonKate Fitz-Gibbon, Karla Elliott, JaneMaree MaherJaneMaree Maher
This project, Investigating adolescent family violence in Victoria, draws on the insights of 120 people who have experienced adolescent family violence and 45 Victorian experts, service providers, general practitioners and health service providers to provide new insights into the nature and impact of adolescent family violence, the adequacy of current criminal justice, service and therapeutic responses, and the needs for future practice and policy reform. While primarily Victorian focused, the findings are relevant to all Australian jurisdictions and comparative countries.


Monash University
