Monash University

Governance for a water sensitive transition in Bogor Raya, Indonesia

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Version 2 2019-08-14, 02:15
Version 1 2019-08-05, 06:48
posted on 2019-08-14, 02:15 authored by Megan Farrelly, Alex Gunn, Reni Suwarso, Yusman Syaukat, Christoph Brodnik, Yoni Agus Setyono, Briony Rogers, Rouli Anita Velentina
Transforming urban water practices to more sustainable systems is widely regarded as a water governance challenge, which involves working within and across the different levels and layers of social, political and economic frameworks where urban water management takes place. Achieving a water sensitive city requires rethinking the way urban water governance is conceived of and delivered - moving beyond traditional single-service delivery models, to incorporate more flexible, integrated and complex institutional designs to respond to and accommodate multi functional and adaptive infrastructures.


The Australia-Indonesia Centre



Jane Holden


Jane Holden