EDUsummiT 2023 - eBook
This E-book is a collection of outcome reports by the thematic working groups (TWGs) of
EDUsummIT2022/3. EDUsummIT (International Summit on IT in Education) is a global
knowledge building community of researchers, educational practitioners, and policy-makers
committed to supporting the effective integration of research and practice in the field of IT in
education. EDUsummIT was founded in 2007 by the Editors and section Editors of the first
edition of the International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary
Education edited by Joke Voogt and Gerald Knezek (2008). The purpose was to disseminate
the output from this handbook to the wider research community, to policy makers (and
governments) and leading practitioners to enable them to build on what is already known and
published in the handbook about IT in Education.