Monash University

Driving Health Study Report No 7: Uneven wear: Health and wellbeing of truck drivers.

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Version 2 2022-09-21, 01:28
Version 1 2021-02-04, 03:24
posted on 2022-09-21, 01:28 authored by Elizabeth Pritchard, Caryn Van VredenCaryn Van Vreden, Ross Iles
The primary aim of this component of the Driving Health project was to identify and explore the factors influencing and promoting health and wellbeing for truck drivers from their perspective and that of their family.
A further aim was to explore possible interventions that could promote better health from the truck driver’s perspective.

The findings identified seven categories of factors that influence professional truck driver health and when they are balanced, can promote wellbeing.


Linfox Logistics Pty Ltd

Transport Workers Union

Centre for Work Health and Safety

NHMRC Partnership Project grant (GNT1169395)
