Monash University
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Driving Health Study Report No 6: Survey of the physical and mental health of Australian professional drivers.

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Version 6 2022-09-21, 01:24
Version 5 2021-02-04, 04:18
Version 4 2021-02-04, 04:16
Version 3 2021-02-04, 03:55
Version 2 2021-02-04, 03:51
Version 1 2021-02-04, 03:21
posted on 2022-09-21, 01:24 authored by Caryn Van VredenCaryn Van Vreden, Ting Xia, Elizabeth Pritchard, Alex CollieAlex Collie, Sharon Newnam, Shantha M W Rajaratnam, Abilio de Almeida Neto, Ross Iles, Dan I. Lubman, Healthy Working Lives Research GroupHealthy Working Lives Research Group
This report, the sixth in the Driving Health study, presents findings from an online national survey of Australian truck drivers in order to:
1. Characterise the physical and mental health of Australian truck drivers.
2. Identify the work, personal, social, environmental, regulatory and health determinants that influence health outcomes and driving performance.
3. Determine whether there are differences in the determinants of health and performance between long-haul and short-haul drivers, and between employee drivers and owner drivers.


Linfox Logistics Pty Ltd

Transport Workers Union

Centre for Work Health and Safety

NHMRC Partnership Project Grant GNT1169395
