Monash University

Benchmarking Bogor’s water sensitive performance

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Version 2 2019-08-14, 02:16
Version 1 2019-08-05, 06:34
posted on 2019-08-14, 02:16 authored by Briony Rogers, Christoph Brodnik, Alex Gunn, Dwinanti Rika Marthanty, Hadi Susilo Arifin, Diego Ramirez-Lovering, Megan Farrelly, Regan Leonardus Kaswanto, Nora Pandjaitan, Yuli Suharnoto, Reni Suwarso, Yusman Syaukat
This report presents a profile and benchmark of the water system in the Greater Bogor region of Indonesia as part of the Australia-Indonesia Centre’s Urban Water Cluster (UWC).

The tool used for benchmarking is the Water Sensitive Cities Index (WSC Index), developed by the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities. It enables diagnosis of key strengths and improvement needs for 34 indicators across 7 goals to inform prioritisation of actions and provide a framework for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of a city’s water sensitive performance.


The Australia-Indonesia Centre



Jane Holden


Jane Holden