Dietary Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs) and Fertility: Delicious but Dangerous?
Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) are compounds formed when sugars attach to proteins. AGEs are generated during the production of highly processed food, some of which are gastrointestinally absorbed during consumption of these foods. In normal amount, it can be excreted automatically through urine. However, if we have high AGE in our body, the AGEs will accumulate in the body tissue and may cause inflammation. If they accumulate in the lining of the uterus, the lining becomes inflamed. So that a fertilised egg cannot implant into the lining. AGEs in the uterus negatively impact endometrial function and prevent embryo implantation, potentially contributing to the increased rate of infertility observed in obese women.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is expensive for infertile couples.
My research aims to determine whether a low AGE diet can reduce the amount of AGEs in the uterus of women undergoing IVF.
This may help women to get pregnant more quickly, requiring a shorter IVF treatment, which is cost-saving.
We can’t wait to see a new happy mother.
Monash UniversityFaculty
Medicine, Nursing and Health SciencesStudent type
- PhD