Monash University

MDA005 — Carl LINGER, Vier Motetten — For choir and organ (1845-1846)

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posted on 2021-01-15, 03:23 authored by Music Archive of Monash UniversityMusic Archive of Monash University

Four Motets for choir and organ: 1. Allmächtiger / 2. Deine heilige Geburt / 3. Kommt zu ihm / 4. Wenn Irrtum uns befangen
Edited by Richard Divall
Australian Music Series
ISBN 978-0-9923956-4-3 / ISMN 979-0-9009642-4-3

Carl Linger was born in Berlin in 1810 and died in Adelaide in 1862. After early studies in Berlin; Linger visited Milan and Venice to further his study and later returned to his home city. He had a series of songs published in that city and wrote Sechs Zwischenspiele for Orchestra. In 1849 Carl Linger migrated to the Colony of South Australia and took up farming near Smithfield, a venture that was unsuccessful. Relocating to Adelaide, Linger made a major mark on the music and artistic life of Adelaide, and on his death in 1862, there were many eulogies.

These four motets are written on thirty-three pages of eight stave paper, including the title page and is in Linger’s handwriting. All of the texts are in German and come from various sources, which are listed at the beginning of each work where identified. There are no editorial notes, and any editorial accidentals, or slurs are marked in parentheses. The organ part has figured bass, but I have deliberately not realised the right hand, as almost all competent organists are expert in figure bass.



Richard Divall

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