Monash University

Conservation features of the terrestrial Antarctic Peninsula Online Material

online resource
posted on 2024-03-28, 17:25 authored by Jasmine LeeJasmine Lee, Steven ChownSteven Chown

These files constitute the online material for the article: "Conservation features of the terrestrial Antarctic Peninsula" ( Together these files make up the preparation materials for the stakeholder engagement workshops. The workshops took place in 2020 and concerned the Antarctic Peninsula (-54.65,-60.67 to -80.48,-77.56).

"PSCP_TourismWkshp_Description.pdf" - This pdf file contains the description of the SCAR-IAATO in-person systematic conservation planning workshop. This description was used to advertise the workshop to IAATO tourism operators.

"PSCP_TourismWkshp_IntroSlides.pdf" - This pdf file contains the slides introducing the SCAR-IAATO systematic conservation planning project, including why it is needed, the basics of systematic conservation planning, and what the purpose of the workshop is.

"PSCP_Intro_ConsPlanning_software.pdf" - This pdf file contains a step-by-step beginners guide to what systematic conservation planning is.

"PSCP_SciBioWkshp_Invite&Descript.pdf" - This pdf file contains the invitation used to invite science, biodiversity, and policy experts to the online science-biodiversity workshops for the SCAR-IAATO systematic conservation planning project.

"PSCP_SciBioWkshp_IntroVideo.mp4" - This video file introduces the SCAR-IAATO systematic conservation planning project, including why it is needed, the basics of systematic conservation planning, and what the purpose of the workshop is.

"PSCP_SciBioWkshp_ValuesVideo.mp4" - This video file introduces what conservation features of value are and provides some examples of Antarctic features of value in preparation for the online workshops.


International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators

Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851

Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future

Australian Research Council

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Australian Antarctic Division Integrated Digital East Antarctica Program


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