Monash University

Australian evidence-based guideline for unexplained infertility: ADAPTE process from the ESHRE evidence-based guideline on unexplained infertility 2024.

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posted on 2024-07-14, 04:49 authored by Michael F Costello, Helena Teede, Cindy FarquharCindy Farquhar, Lisa Bedson, Marlene Kong, Maree Pickens, Clare Boothroyd, Rebecca Kerner, Rhonda Garad, Trudy Loos, Luk Rombauts, Madeline Flanagan, Ben W Mol, Aya MousaAya Mousa, Robert J Norman

The 2024 Australian Evidence-based Guideline for Unexplained Infertility provides clinicians with evidence-based recommendations for the optimal diagnostic workup for infertile couples to establish the diagnosis of unexplained infertility (UI) and optimal therapeutic approach to treat couples diagnosed with UI in the Australian healthcare setting. The guideline recommendations were adapted for the Australian context from the rigorous, comprehensive European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 2023 Evidence-based Guideline for diagnosis, assessment and treatment of UI, using the ADAPTE process and have been approved by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.


NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Women's Health in Reproductive Life (CRE-WHiRL)
