Monash University

Closing the Gap in Education? Improving Outcomes in Southern World Societies

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posted on 2020-08-18, 23:27 authored by Ilana Snyder, John Nieuwenhuysen
The education of marginalised peoples and communities is a topic of great contemporary importance. Closing the Gap in Education? increases our understanding of the nature and challenges of marginalisation in southern world societies. The book also canvasses possible directions for change that might improve the social participation of young people. It is both timely and distinctive. Closing the Gap in Education? emanates from a conference organised by the Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements, in partnership with Monash South Africa, held in 2009 at Monash’s Johannesburg campus. Leading scholars and public figures from Australia, South Africa and New Zealand participated. The authors provide illuminating accounts of marginalisation which point to the inadequacy of many current educational policies. Several contributors question the usefulness of notions of closing gaps and bridging divides, suggesting alternative ways to frame the debates. In explaining the key terms – marginalisation, gaps, divides, peripheries – the contributors consider capabilities, social practices, neo-liberalism, human capital theory, raciology, redistribution, the education debt, the politics of hope, history as a cultural resource and other concepts. They do so as academics and activists committed to social justice in education. The achievement of social transformation is particularly emphasised. Closing the Gap in Education? makes a most important contribution to understanding education in marginalised communities. It is a thought-provoking work, relevant to all readers interested in education, policy, government, global, media and indigenous studies.


Paperback ISBN


e-pub ISBN


Pages total



234mm x 153mm




Monash University Publishing

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