Monash University

Monash SeRP Training video

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Version 5 2024-03-04, 03:33
Version 4 2024-03-04, 03:15
Version 3 2024-03-04, 03:05
Version 2 2023-11-30, 00:10
Version 1 2023-11-30, 00:09
posted on 2024-03-04, 03:33 authored by National Transfusion DatasetNational Transfusion Dataset

Short training video on how to use Monash Secure eResearch Platform (SeRP).

SeRP is a secure environment for sharing research data for collaboration and analysis, within the control and governance of the data custodian. Monash SeRP allows the Data custodian or the delegated project manager (Data Custodian) to have visibility and control over how their data is being used by other approved researchers.


Australian Research Data Commons - Australian Data Partnerships Investment

NHMRC Blood Synergy Program

Medical Research Future Fund – 2021 Research Data Infrastructure grant
