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13.3 Rapa'i Geurimpheng: AV

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Version 2 2020-09-08, 06:34
Version 1 2017-06-02, 07:13
posted on 2020-09-08, 06:34 authored by Kartomi, Margaret J., Amir, Iwan Dzulvan
AV13.3: Audiovisual Example 3 in Chapter 13 of book: Margaret Kartomi, ‘Musical Journeys in Sumatra’, Champaign-Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012. For male participants at the Festival of Acehnese Dance and Oboes. The front row (saf) of male musician-dancers/performers play their rapa’i geurimpheng or frame drums and raise them up above their heads in a choreographed routine, while the kneeling musicians behind them play in virtuosic fashion also on various-sized frame drums, including the small, thin, very loud sounding dap (from the Persian duff). The group was named Sanggar Seumangat Aceh from Lhokseumawe. These recordings of traditional Acehnese music and dance were made during Margaret Kartomi’s Australia Research Council-funded field trip to the Festival Tari dan Seuruné Kalée (Festival of Dance and Oboes) in Lhokseumawe, North Aceh, Indonesia, 28 February- 2 March 2003. Margaret Kartomi was invited to record at the Festival by the Bupati (district head) of North Aceh, Bp Tarmizi Karim and Bp Noerdin Daood, lecturer in Acehnese dance in the Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ), who was a member of the jury. She was accompanied by her husband, Mas Kartomi, and Monash PhD ethnomusicology alumnus, Iwan Dzulvan Amir. Camera by Iwan Dzulvan Amir. Recorded by permission of the Bupati of North Aceh, Bp Tarmizi Karim, and his appointed artist and 2003 festival organiser - Bp Rizal, on behalf of the troupes who performed in the Festival. Copyright 2003. Margaret J. Kartomi. Camera by Iwan Dzulvan Amir



Margaret J. Kartomi

Geographic location

Indonesia – North Aceh – Lhokseumawe

Collection date


Collection type
