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Campak asli dancing on the beach near Pejam, Bangka : AV 9.3a

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posted on 2017-06-02, 07:18 authored by Kartomi, Margaret J.
AV9.3a: Audiovisual Example 3a in Chapter 9 of book: Margaret Kartomi, ‘Musical Journeys in Sumatra’, Champaign-Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012. Traditional Malay-Bangka mixed couples dance accompanied by vocalists, violin (biola), 2 single-headed barrel drums and gong. Each of the 2 female dancers holds a handkerchief as part of the dance. As all participants were Sekak ‘Orang Laut’ or sea people, the venue for the performance was typically the beach. Lead singer: Rosmanian Nurhan; ensemble leader: Bp. Muh. Tanjung of Desa Pejem, Kecamatan Belinyu. Copyright 1994. Margaret J. Kartomi. Camera by Hidris Kartomi



Margaret J. Kartomi

Geographic location

Indonesia – Sumatra – Bangka

Collection date


Collection Type
