4.2.4 Exercise 4 Creating Sections and Finding Endings
Task Objectives
Creating Sections & Finding Endings requires intensive listening of all parts to observe if participants have decided to repeat, vary or create a new section in step two and therefore decide whether to follow these decisions or not. There will inevitable be variations in decisions and interpretations that will further exercise emergent and intersubjective properties.
In creating a section and its potential repetition, the exercise implies the section exhibits some sort of defining characteristic and the participants observation of their individual role within the section. This is necessary for it to be repeated or varied. As such, in creating a section, the tendency will often gravitate to the most obvious or unifying element and in doing so, highlight individual roles in relation to the evolving emergent. It will explore also the role style plays in the strength of the emergent as defining elements emerge.
The concept of actively listening for or instigating an ending is unusual as this tends to happen naturally in performances as fade outs or rhythmic repetitions that set up a more predictable ending. As such, it leads to methods of signalling while remaining democratic. This usually sees overt repetition of an element to maximise its chance of being noticed and draw participants to some kind of closure.