posted on 2017-05-22, 03:01authored byRachel Funari
Transcendental Heidegger editors Steven Crowell and Jeff Malpas believe more attention should be paid to the transcendental in Heidegger's philosophy, particularly in relation to Kant and Husserl. Their collection of articles ñ edited versions of papers delivered at the Heidegger and Transcendental Philosophy conference held at Rice University in 2003 – is an attempt to rectify this gap. Despite Heidegger's overt rejection of the transcendental in his later work, Crowell and Malpas argue that the definition of 'transcendental' is open enough to interpretation to allow for a broader understanding of the term than Heidegger's. Their collection of articles brings together heavyweights of Heidegger studies to explore the transcendental as a priori, intentionality, the grounding role of Dasein and the conditions of historicity and truthfulness.