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People's Government of Huadu District, Guangzhou
Notice on Strictly Investigating and Controlling Illegal Construction
Huafu [2017] No. 14
In order to effectively curb illegal construction activities in our district, further standardize the management order of urban and rural planning and construction, and carry out in-depth special rectification actions for the investigation and punishment of illegal construction in Guangzhou, according to the "Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China", "Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People's Republic of China", "Guangzhou Municipal Regulations on the Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Construction" and other laws and regulations, and "the notice of Guangzhou City Management Committee on Printing and Distributing the Work Plan for a Hundred Days of Action for a Cleaner, Cleaner, Safer and More Orderly Action"(Suicheng Guan [2017] No. 465) and the spirit of the city and district conference of strictly investigating the "tough battle" of illegal construction and remobilizing and redeployment, the district government decided to carry out special rectification for illegal construction in the whole district. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. From July 25, no new illegal buildings shall be added in the whole district. All new illegal buildings will be demolished, no compensation will be given within the scope of the project expropriation, and relevant personnel will be held accountable, and 'five types of people", i.e., the land owners, users, investors, constructors, beneficiaries, etc. who participate in the illegal construction will be dealt with seriously.
2. From the date of this announcement, for buildings that have not obtained legal construction application procedures, construction must be stopped, construction machinery such as grids and lifting frames must be removed within a time limit, construction materials should be removed, and construction personnel should be withdrawn.

3. For the illegal buildings that have been built, the subdistricts, towns and villages (residential) communities in their jurisdictions shall not issue certificates to the parties involved in the illegal construction, such as lease, transfer and use of temporary business sites; production and operation enterprises of tap water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, cable TV, elevators, etc. shall not provide temporary or permanent services to them; design units, construction units, project supervision and units (individuals) that sell ready-mixed concrete are strictly prohibited from providing services to them; administrative departments such as housing and construction, national regulations, market supervision,  Health and Family Planning Commission, cultural and radio, public security, agriculture, forestry, food and medicine, justice, and rental housing shall not issue relevant licenses, permits, proof of record.

4. Party members, cadres and public officials who participate in, plan, and support illegal construction shall be dealt with severely; if a crime is constituted, they shall be transferred to judicial organs for criminal responsibility according to law.
5. In the process of investigation and punishment, whoever obstructs the staff of state organs from performing their official duties in accordance with the law shall be dealt with by the public security organs in accordance with the law; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.
6. The general public is welcome to supervise the illegal construction behavior and actively report it.
Report Tel: 020-86818463
It is hereby announced
People's Government of Huadu District, Guangzhou
August 25, 2017


Date and time of recording

05-01-2020 15:37

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