文明有我 苏州更美
言行有教养 凡事守规矩
公共场所内 安静勿喧哗
大家多礼让 排队有秩序
休闲旅游地 环境要爱护
演出比赛场 人走地干净
点餐要适量 惜福拒浪费
车窗不抛物 行驾遵交规
邻里互照应 居家添和睦
老弱病残幼 关爱多帮助
你我小举动 城市大文明
富强 民主 文明 和谐 自由 平等 公正 法治 爱国 敬业 诚信 友善
Ten ways for residents of Suzhou to behave in a civilized manner
With me civilized, Suzhou is more beautiful
Be refined in words and deeds, show restraint in daily life Be quiet and do not shout in public spaces
Everyone be polite and line up in order
Take care of the environment at leisure and tourist destinations
Keep the playing field clean when you leave
Order food in moderation and avoid waste
Do not throw things out the car window, obey the rules when driving
Neighbours take care of each other, adding harmony to life Care for and look after the old, the weak, the sick, the young and the sick
You and me take small steps and the city will have great civilization
Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendliness
Suzhou Civilization Office