Monash University
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文明健康 有你有我


社会主义核心价值观: 富强 民主 文明 和谐 自由 平等 公正 法治 爱国 敬业 诚信 友善


Public Service Announcement (PSA): Following the rules of good behaviour and setting a new social trend

Civilized Jinan 

Civilization and health involve you and I

Caring for and protecting the healthy growth of minors is the common responsibility of the whole society

Socialist Core Values: Wealth, Strength, Democracy, Civilisation, Harmony, Freedom, Equality, Justice, Rule of Law, Patriotism, Respect for Work, Integrity, Friendship

Shanda Road, Licheng Sub-District Office and Party Working Committee Announcement 



文明健康 有你有我

遛狗需栓绳 粪便及时清

A. 出门遛狗需栓绳

B. 室外宠物排便后立刻捡起来包裹好后扔进垃圾箱

社会主义核心价值观: 富强 民主 文明 和谐 自由 平等 公正 法治 爱国 敬业 诚信 友善


Public Service Announcement (PSA): Following the rules of good behaviour and setting a new social trend

Civilized Jinan 

Civilization and health involve you and I

Walk your dog on a leash and clean up the faeces in time

A. Walk your dog on a leash

B. Pick up and wrap immediately after defecation and throw them in the garbage

Socialist Core Values: Wealth, Strength, Democracy, Civilisation, Harmony, Freedom, Equality, Justice, Rule of Law, Patriotism, Respect for Work, Integrity, Friendship

Shanda Road, Licheng Sub-District Office and Party Working Committee Announcement 



Date and time of recording


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