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济南市城市管理局监制  二零二二年三月


济南市城市管理局  济南市旅发委 2018年一月

洪家楼西路  29-9 邮政编码250100

济南市城市管理局 济南市综合行政执法局 “门前五包”公示牌 


门前五包内容 包环境卫生 包市容整洁 包设施完好 包秩序良好 包绿化美观

包环境卫生  维护责任区环境卫生,  做好责任区内卫生清洁 、清扫冰雪等工作,落实垃圾分类要求。及时劝阻、制止破坏环境卫生的行为。

包市容整洁 维护城市市容,保持责任区内建(构)筑物外形完好整洁,不在建(构)筑物及其附属设施、公共设施以及树木上乱写乱贴乱画、乱牵乱拉乱挂;阳台外、门窗外不堆放、吊挂杂物和晾晒衣物、被褥等;维持垃圾收集容器及门前公共设施整洁;按要求规范设置门牌号、门前店招、夜景灯光、遮阳(雨)蓬、空调外机和排水(气)管等户外设施,并保持完好整洁。

包设施完好  不得破坏损毁门前市政公共设施,发现公共设施有损坏的,及时向有关部门或12345市民热线反应;建筑施工或门店装修时,应围挡作业。

包秩序良好  遵守城市管理相关规定,自觉有序停放车辆,对乱停乱放车辆予以劝阻,不占道洗(修)车和堆放货物,不乱设占道广告招牌、标识牌和牵绳挂物,不擅自挖掘道路,不占道经营、店外经营。发现违法行为时,及时向有关部门或12345市民热线举报。

包绿化美观 保护责任区内花草、树木和绿化设施,禁止攀折和损坏花草、数目,不得在树上钉钉、拉绳、晾晒、挂物、大鹏、刻画等;保持绿地干净整洁,严禁占用绿地或者向树池、绿地内倾倒垃圾、污水。发现违法行为的,及时向有关部门或12345市民服务热线举报。

监督电话:洪家楼城管科:88161230 洪家楼园林绿化所:88161230

洪家楼环卫所:88161173 洪家楼交通执法中队:88901701

红家咯UI执法中队:88115100 洪家楼交警中队: 88100912 


Five Star-Rated Units with Five Guarantees for the Responsible Area

Produced by Jinan City Administration March 22, 2012

Open City Toilet Alliance Unit

Jinan City Administration  Jinan City Tourism Development Committee January 2018

29-9 Hongjialou West Road 250100

Jinan Municipal Administration Bureau  Jinan Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau Five Guarantee Sign Board

The scope of the responsibility area: the responsibility area is the responsible unit facing the street side (or both sides) of the house baseline (with guardrails or fences, from the guardrails or fences) to the pavement curb stone, no pavement, to the road centreline. Adjacent units are covered by one metre on each side or from the house baseline around the unit if there is no adjacent unit (from the parapet or fence if there is a parapet or fence).

The Five Guarantees include the guarantee of Environmental Hygiene, City Appearance, Good Facilities, Good Order, and Beautiful Greenery.

Maintain Environmental Hygiene 

Maintain environmental hygiene in the area of responsibility, maintain the cleanliness of the area, remove snow and ice, and implement waste separation. Stop any behaviour that threatens environmental hygiene promptly. 

Maintain the appearance of the city; keep the buildings in the area of responsibility in good shape and tidy, do not write and paint on the buildings and their ancillary facilities, public facilities and trees, do not pile or hang objects in the public area, or hand clothes and bedding outside of the balconies, doors and windows; maintain the rubbish bins and public facilities in a tidy manner; set up house numbers, shop signs, night lighting, sun (rain) shades according to the requirements. Keep outdoor facilities, such as door signs, shop signs in front of the shops, night lighting, sun (rain) shades, air-conditioning units and drainage (gas) pipes, intact and tidy.

No damage or destruction of the municipal public facilities in front of the units. Any damage to public facilities should be reported to the relevant departments or the 12345 hotlines in a timely manner.

The public should comply with the relevant regulations on urban management; park vehicles in an orderly manner; discourage vehicles from parking disorderly; not occupy the road for washing (repairing) cars and stacking goods; not set up advertising signs and signboards randomly, not to hang things in public places, not to excavate the road without permission, not to occupy the road for doing business, and not to doing business outside the shop. When illegal acts are found, report them to the relevant departments or the 12345 Citizen's Hotline promptly.

Protect flowers, trees, and green facilities in the responsibility area; forbid climbing and damaging trees, flowers, and plants; do not nail, pull ropes, hang clothing, set up shades, or carve on trees; keep green areas clean and tidy; strictly forbid occupying green spaces or dumping rubbish and sewage into tree pools and green areas. If you witness any illegal acts, report them to the relevant departments or the 12345 Citizen Service Hotline promptly.

Supervision telephone number: 

Hongjialou City Management Section: 88161230 

Hongjialou Gardening and Greening Unit: 88161230

Hongjialou Sanitation Unit: 88161173 

Hongjialou Traffic Enforcement Squadron: 88901701

Hongjialou Law Enforcement Squadron: 88115100 

Hongjialou Traffic Police Station: 88100912 

Supervised by Hongjialou Sub-district Urban Management Committee


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