Banksia brownii: benefits of outcrossing and genetic management
This dataset contains genotyping and sampling data analyzed in the manuscript
Rodger YS, Dillon R, Monroe K, Pavlova A, Coates DJ, Byrne M, Sunnucks P. (2023). Benefits of outcrossing and their implications for genetic management of an endangered species with mixed mating system. Restoration Ecology, published online 8/11//2023
Banksia_DArT_SNP_data_Rodger2023.csv -- genotypes of all individuals for SNPs (codominant single nucleotide polymorphisms) produced by Diversity Arrays Technology
Banksia_covariates_Rodger2023.csv -- covariate file for all individuals. Contains the following fields: id- individual identification, pop- population name. Location data is protected but could be made available upon request.
Metadata_SNP.txt explains the content of the columns in SNP genotype files.
Fitness data used in the manuscript is part of an ongoing, broader project that is yet to be published but can be made available upon request.