This study focused on investigating diversity patterns of moss diversity in Antarctica, a key taxa in local ecosystems. Limited understanding of diversity patterns and conservation efficacy prompted our investigation.
This dataset includes the following items:
AntarcticMoss_species_with_notes.xlsx: species list organised by genus, family order; species autorithy; and notes.
moss_species_coordinates.csv: point records of Antarctica mosses (species name, and coordinates)
species_presence_matrix_ACBR.csv: presence-absence matrix of moss presence across Antarctic Conservation Biogeographic Regions (ACBR).
species_presence_matrix_ASPA_final.csv: presence-absence matrix of moss presence across Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPA). R script to runs analysis for diversity patterns (richness, beta- and zeta-diversity), range size frequency, environmental drivers of richness, and representation/redundancy.
eq_rigri_richness_moss_10x10km.tif: raster file of moss richness in Antarctica at 10 x 10 km resolution
Australian Research Council SRIEAS Grant SR200100005
Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) and the Netherlands Polar program - nwa.1435.20.004