Insect and insectivore datasets for the Southern Ocean and Arctic island assemblages
Data for:Leihy RI, Chown SL. 2020
Wind plays a major but not exclusive role in
the prevalence of insect flight loss on remote
islands. Proc. R. Soc. B 20202121.
B1. Insect species occurrence lists for five well-surveyed Arctic island assemblages.
B2. Flight-capability of Southern Ocean and Arctic island insects.
B3. Bird and mammal species inventories and insectivorous status for Southern Ocean and Arctic island assemblages.
B4. Spider species richness for Southern Ocean and Arctic islands.
B5. Total number of indigenous insectivorous bird, mammal, insect and spider species per Southern Ocean and Arctic islands.
B6. Supplementary reference list
B7. Insect flight-environment data for Southern Ocean and Arctic Island
R code for flight-environment analysis
Sir James McNeill Foundation Postgraduate Research Scholarship