Internationally and within Australia, there is increasing recognition that patterns of participation in sport are changing, with so called ‘informal’ sport displacing organised sport in terms of popularity in many people’s lives. Health and Physical Education (HPE) can learn from informal sport in order to effectively support sustained participation in physical activity and sport that is relevant to young people’s involvement now and in the future. This 'what works for informal sport' sheet can be used by students and teachers to evaluate environmental, task, personal and social factors that influence their participation in various forms of informal sport and physical activity. The documents can be used as an initial assessment tool to gauge what young people know and understand in relation to participation and be added to formatively as a unit progresses and concepts are revisited. The forms can also serve to inform young people about things they will need to consider when starting an informal sporting group or looking to participate in one. Understanding these elements has implications for lifelong and lifewide participation, and with a focus on considering the needs of others in low-competitive contexts, extend relevance and appeal for many students.