Monash University

Rutidosis leptorhynchoides DArT genotypes and sampling data 1

Version 3 2021-06-15, 05:11
Version 2 2021-05-03, 02:21
Version 1 2020-05-28, 02:38
posted on 2021-06-15, 05:11 authored by Alexandra PavlovaAlexandra Pavlova, Yael Rodger, Paul Sunnucks
Genotyping and sampling data for the manuscript: Rodger, Y.S., Pavlova, A., Sinclair, S., Pickup, M., Sunnucks, P., 2021. Evolutionary history and genetic connectivity across highly fragmented populations of an endangered daisy. Heredity, 126, 846–858, available at

File “DArT report Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides evolutionary history samples.csv” is the genotyping file from Diversity Arrays Technology.

File “Metadata.txt” explains content of columns and rows in the genotyping file.

File “Rutidosis_covariates evolutionary history samples.csv” is the covariate file, comprising location data for each individual; id- individual identification, pop- population name, lat- latitude, lon- longitude, notes- comment on whether an individual was excluded from the analysis and why.

File "Rutidosis_wild_population_data_FINAL_diploid.xlsx" contains sampling information for all individuals.


Australia Research Council Linkage Grant LP160100482

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Diversity Arrays Technology

Zoos Victoria

Environment, Planning & Sustainable Development Directorate (ACT Government)

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Western Australia)

Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment

Parks Victoria
