For five sustaining instruments, percussion and/or objects and subtones.
Composed between 2014 and 2016.
Written during a residency at the Visby International Composers centre (VICC), supported by ISCM and AMC.
You need the Decibel ScorePlayer and the associated score file to perform this work.
This work is part of a series that look at glissandi and drone when combined with very low sub tones. Other pieces in the series are Shadow (2016, two strings and sub tone), Tone Being (2016, tam tam and sub) and Dynamic Architecture (2015, double bass and transducer).
Whilst the score to the right shows how the score looks in one iteration, in performance the yellow shapes appear and disappear in random places as the score unfolds. In addition, there is an electronic part embedded in the score, which is sent from the iPad used to produce the score.
To perform this work, you need the Decibel ScorePlayer to ensure you get a truly unique version at each performance. You need a mini jack out from the ipad player to a sub woofer speaker.
PERFORMANCES SMC Conference and S.T.R.E.A.M Festival, Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany. 1 September 2016. Broadcast on TIDE TV 21 November, 2016. Other performances: Ruthless Jabiru, dir. Kelly Lovelady, Hackney Showroom, London. 9 April 2017.